Dating site in Portugal Dating site with men and women from Portugal
Dating site in Portugal
538920 -
P.b.a.2 -
years old - Single I am from Loule/Algarve, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
2736348 -
Sintraman41 -
years old - Single I am from Lisboa/Lisboa, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
604637 -
Jorgegalveias -
years old - Divorced I am from Lisboa/Lisboa, Seeking Dating with Woman
3944136 -
Jpccorreia -
years old - Single I am from Montijo/Setubal, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
Ola sou homem solteiro a procura de uma boa amizade para já depois logo se vê o que futuro nus da . beijo......
1230100 -
Goncalves33 -
years old - Single I am from Monçao/Viana do Castelo, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
1900795 -
Filipcastro -
years old - Divorced I am from Lisboa/Lisboa, Seeking Dating with Woman
4239237 -
Hugo Filipe17 -
years old - Divorced I am from Lisboa/Lisboa, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
Quem sabe..
338376 -
Golfinhomel -
years old - Single I am from Palmela/Setubal, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
3211842 -
Vcandeias -
years old - Single I am from Setubal/Setubal, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
897324 -
Fmacedo21 -
years old - Single but dating I am from Lisboa/Lisboa, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
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774370 -
Alvesxl -
years old - Single I am from Coimbra/Coimbra, Seeking Dating with Woman
4300768 -
Janjão -
years old - Single I am from Sintra/Lisboa, Seeking Dating with Woman
Olá que sou incurável!
Assim, tal como em todos os dias, também hoje decidi de pensar em pensar em Você!
1845418 -
Joaquimrelvas -
years old - Married I am from Barreiro/Setubal, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
1466844 -
Mau69 -
years old - Single I am from Lisboa/Lisboa, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
223444 -
Ricardo78 -
years old - Single I am from Azambuja/Lisboa, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
Quero fazer novas amizades;)
3348486 -
Dcdfsantos -
years old - Judicially separated I am from Sintra/Lisboa, Seeking Dating with Woman
1430057 -
Lmorais05 -
years old - Divorced I am from Lisboa/Lisboa, Seeking Dating with Woman
Mulher Honesta, Livre, Optimista e de Bem com a vida, Atraente, Bela (exterior e interiormente), Culta, Carinhosa, que cultive os Bons Valores tradicionais da Família Portuguesa, resida preferencialmente na minha cidade (Lisboa) ou arredores, destituída de interesses materiais na relação, preze o Ser em detrimento do ter, queira partilhar os Bons como os menos bons momentos desta vida, disposta a mútuos ajustes tendentes a gerar sinergias propiciadoras de entendimento harmonioso, para uma vivência Feliz em tranquilidade, alegria, amor e paz.
Se isto te segreda algo de relevante aguardo-te...
314973 -
Kikos934157926 -
years old - Single I am from Viana do Castelo/Viana do Castelo, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
4004208 -
Coracaosofre -
years old - Divorced I am from Algés/Lisboa, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman
2961855 -
Josemarques29 -
years old - Single I am from Viseu/Viseu, Seeking Dating Friendship with Woman